Company news

Short update about your company to keep those close to the company in the loop. 

Your company generates more news than you think. Don't limit your public relations to official formal press releases. Some quick ideas for light weight updates:

  1. New employees. It's nice to introduce new people properly and give everyone a heads up about new hires.
  2. New office space. Ok, true - this doesn't happen that often - but when it does it is a brilliant way to get in contact with long standing company relations.
  3. A new coffee machine. An example of reaching out with something that relates to your company culture. You just bought the same 1961 coffee machine that Jony Ive has? Write about it.
  4. Upcoming events you are sponsoring or attending. Let your clients, employees or other stakeholders know about an event you are going to.
Of course there are many more examples but this one can give you a head start:

TNW brings in two heavyweights ahead of ambitious productivity plans

With pride we'd like to introduce you to our two fresh hires at TNW. Although fresh at TNW, the industry heavyweights bring in over 90 years of experience. Albeit against company policy, TNW decided to offer permanent contract to the new hires from the start.

At TNW, our vision is to build a hundred year startup, the new team members bring in 90 years of experience and are set to stay with the company throughout the whole 21st century @Boris

Without further ado, here are Faema e61 and Quickmill Omre 0.1.1

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The Faema e61 is a renowned Italian espresso machine brand from back in the days. The e61 first was designed and came to the market in, you guessed it, 1961. This particular machine was made in 1964 and is totally revised by the awesome Roland Buurman from Vintage Espresso Machines.

Accompanied by the Quickmill Omre 0.1.1, which grinds coffee beans like there is no tomorrow with grande estilo, this combination is not only gorgeous, stunning, shiny, old school and timeless, its also capable of making the best espresso mankind has ever tasted.

I know you want some more pics from these beauties, so here you go.

Without doubt, this will lead to a huge boost in productivity. I'm talking exponential growth here. Hockey stick curve, you know. Chief Productivity Officer

So if you are around and are fond of a great espresso... drop by and let the Quickmill and Faema make you an espresso you'll never forget.

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